Web developer with a graphic design background driven to produce products people love.
I have always had a passion for problem-solving. In high school, I took classes in design and provided logos and branding for companies as a freelance designer. My knack for problem-solving extended into my hobbies — providing auto repair services on the side and tinkering with friends’ cars. Working for a German mechanic for three years stretched me even more and served as an opportunity to further grow my problem-solving passion and ability. I found that the complexity of automotive repair and the multiple ways to solve the same problem was extremely engaging. The only thing the repair work wasn't giving me, was my yearning to build something totally new. Later in life, a co-worker introduced me to FreeCodeCamp, a free website to learn code, and I was immedeatly hooked. I soaked up all I could and applied to Nashville Software School hoping to turn my hobby into a carreer. After playing the waiting game, I heard back from NSS and learned that I was accepted. Soon after starting school, I realized I had met my match with coding, it was the perfect balance between design, problem-solving and to my suprise, a craft. Starting school was extremely intimating, but I dove in head first, and the next thing I knew, I was writing apps in Angular while discovering and implementing new technologies such as Ionic and Unity3D in my spare time. Development has completely taken over my life in the best way possible. I code for fun, and I code for 'work' but to me, there really is no difference.
An important role of a developer is to be able to communicate with the client. I love being able to talk to a client about their idea and try to make that come to life.
Sometimes a client doesn't know what is possible or impossible, part of my job is finding a way to acheive the impossible. Everything is impossible until it gets accomplished. It all starts with an idea.
View WorksSome developers are afraid of projects that they aren't comfortable with. I look at them as a challenge, and I love a good challenge.
Need some advise on naming the business and logo? I can help with all aspects of branding. From naming to what the final product should look like.
Profeceint in Angular frameworks as well as vinalla Javascript, with experience writing in Python with Django framework.
With enough experience with Ionic, I'm confident I am able to produce a Mobile app for either Android or iOS.
With previous experience with design, I am able to produce the perfect logo for any business.